dc.description.abstract | Basel accords define the capital requirements for banks. There are three types
of risk on which is based the calculation of this requirement: operational risk,
i.e. the risk of losses related to potential inefficiencies of the system of control
of the bank, the market risk, i.e. the risk related to any eventual leakage of
the securities portfolio (of the institute or belonging to a single
customer) determined by the market and credit risk, i.e. the risk incurred by
the banks for any inability partial or total of the counterparty to fulfill the
obligation assumed.
The three risks defined within the Basel Agreement, define the three
cornerstones of the activity of banking advice. The main responsibility of
each operator banking, resides in the ability to perceive and
anticipate the risks of positions in acquisition and on which the Institute will
expose, evaluating the acceptability by defining appropriate actions to be
The need to measure and adequately control the risks taken by a bank is felt
particularly in investment activity and trading of securities, which is exposed
to the volatility of prices of assets exchanged. For institutions which take
speculative positions in currencies, bonds or shares, there is in fact a real
possibility that the losses associated with a single position broke, within a
short time interval, the profits made in the course of months.
In the first part of the work is analyzed the typology of risk indicated with the
term "market risk". More precisely, with the term market risk is the risk of
changes in the market value of an instrument or of a portfolio of financial
instruments linked to unexpected changes in market conditions. One of the
indicators is widely used to measure the market risk of active and follow him
in his temporal evolution is the VaR (Value at Risk) that can be defined as
the "…maximum loss in which an investor may incur, with a predetermined
level of probability α, for a time horizon future N+H".
If ζ N = ( r1...Rn) are available information at the time n, the VaR will be a
function of ζ N , α, h by synthesizing VaR N (h; α) with h=1,2…and 0 < a <1.
The VaR is essentially a synthetic index that measure the market risk of the
active or portfolio analysis. The financial risks relate to unexpected changes
and unfavorable market value of certain financial positions because it is not
certain whether the issuer will be able or not to fulfill its obligations (coupon
or capital). On the same conceptual basis defines the credit risk, understood
as the risk of default of the counterparty in a financial contract for medium
long term.
The second chapter is dedicated to the analysis of models for the assessment
of credit risk appeared in recent years and mainly used so far by the banks. In
the literature were developed three different approaches to describe the credit
risk: structural approach, a reduced form and to incomplete information.
The third chapter echoing what indicated in the first part of the work is based
on the examination of the fundamental principles of the protection of the
customer in the provision of advice to the investment. Studies of behavioral
finance that investigate the choices of asset allocation financial show that
these are affected particularly by two elements: the capacity to take risks and
the attitude to risk to investors. Investment firms, thanks to the MiFID
Directive, have the obligation of profiling customers through a questionnaire
to ensure their protection and protection against risks arising from financial
investments. Aspects investigated by the MiFID questionnaires are compared
with the elements that, according to the literature, influences the choices of
individual investment.
In confirmation of what is required by the MiFID Directive, are
extracted from a sample of customers made available by a Banca di Credito
Cooperativo Bell, a representative for each category of risk on which the
securities portfolio is applied a model VaR aimed to verify the degree of risk
related to Portfolio proposed as a result of the consultancy activities carried
out .The choices of asset allocation undertaken by individuals are often
addressed by investment firms which, through a questionnaire, collect
personal information from the subjects to recommend investments in line
with their needs and characteristics. For portfolio management services or
consultancy service, investment firms shall submit the subject to the test of
adequacy and, in the case in which I do not answer to certain requirements,
they will be precluded the investment in financial instruments risky.
Consequently, the decisions of asset allocation financial does not always arise
from an individual choice made by the investor but are often addressed by a
person competent to allow the customer the attainment of its objectives.
However, many studies demonstrate the impact of certain aspects of the
profile of the investors in their propensity to risk and consequently in the
choices of allocation of assets. The analysis has allowed us to compare the
aspects that according to the literature influence the risk propensity of
investors with what is required in the phase of practical placement of the
product. In the daily advice, tools made available are mainly focused on the
aspects linked to the capacity of taking risks, then on the study of the
investment objectives and the elucidation of theholding period. As regards
the risk tolerance literature amply investigates the influence of socio
demographic and personal, that are not always considered to be at the basis
of the risk assessment in the questionnaires MiFID. The fundamental
variables, confirmed in literature at the end of the definition of a proper risk
profile of the counterparty, are the consistency of the income and wealth of
the respondent. Are collected information with regard to the profession and
the bachgraud risk borne by investors, elements considered capable of
influencing choices of asset allocation. The study title knowledge in the field
of investments and the experience gained in the financial aspects are
considered influential at a theoretical level that are reflected in the questions
asked to customers through the questionnaire. To support what is proposed,
and signed by the customer, is estimated for the set data obtained, a model
VaR applied to each single portfolio for the three customers identified. The
period considered runs from 01/01/2016 to 16/09/2016. On the basis of the
frequency of transactions are identified three representative positions of
the three risk profiles defined in the process of profiling of the customer
previously argued.
Specifically: - Low risk : Position historically entered in the registers of the institute
for a period exceeding 10 years. Employee private company.
Preparation of Upper Medium in financial activities. The total capital
invested € 30,000 managed in n. 15 portfolio transactions thus
distributed : 9 purchase transactions and 4 sales operations. The
number of securities in the portfolio : n.2 _ Unicredit and
Mediolanum. - Medium risk : Position entered by more than 5 years in the
demographics of the isitituto.Public employee, profile financially
diversified, are not present phenomena of concentration of capital in
savings products inside of the institute or of third parties. Preparation
Upper Medium in financial activities. The total capital invesstito
25,000 € managed in n. 36 portfolio transactions thus distributed : 16
purchase transactions and 20 sales operations. The number of
securities in the portfolio: n.2 _, UNICREDIT and ENEL - High risk: Position entered from less than 5 years in the demographics
of the Institute.Free professional expert in the financial sector,
diversified profile, are not present phenomena of concentration of
capital in savings products inside of the institute or of third parties.
The total capital invested 80.000 € managed in n. 196 portfolio
transactions thus distributed : 110 operations of purchase and 86 sales
operations. Nuemro of securities in the portfolio : n.5 _ Mps, Saipem,
In all three cases the pattern formulated with α = 5% is not infringed, in fact,
on the basis of risk criteria and prudence defined by the Institute during
placement and management of savings and the ratio between the actual
violations of the model and the number of observations is maintained below
the 5 % target. The same result is obtained as a result of an arbitrary
remodulation of three portfolios considered, in fact, while modifying the
compositions by reversing the titles between the same customers, the model
retains its effectiveness while remaining in the margins of the 5% defined. A
first reason can be found in the increasing diversification of the sector, namely
a merch diversification of the portfolio on the basis of the nature of the title
(banking, energy, etc.) . In the case of low risk, in fact, with respect to the
initial establishment of the portfolio is introduced the principle of
diversification of the sector that allows the subject to reduce the concentration
of capital in a same sector (see the banking systems in the specific case) and
improve the values of risk. In the other two cases, on the contrary, is violated
the component of sectoral diversification by increasing the concentration of
the portfolio in bank shares thus obtaining a worsening of the riskiness of the
model and an increase in violations of VaR. The estimation of the model has
allowed us to validate the proposed and accepted by the customer, by
dropping a tool typically used within the scope of financial
corporate governance on private portfolios in order to confirm statistically as
proposed within the consulting business. [edited by Author] | it_IT |