DiSES Working Papers: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 87
Estimating capability as a latent variable: a latent variable a multiple causes approach - the example of health
(2007)Following Sen’s approach to poverty, the ‘real’ poor are those who did not have the choice not to be poor. In other words, poor is an individual who did not have the capability (i.e. the possibility, the ability) to have ... -
No Euro Please, We're British
(2007)Comparing the economic performances between UK and Euroland, the appropriate and obvious question should be: why does not Euroland replace its euro with the British pound? However, economy does not represent all the ... -
Variable selection in forecasting models for corporate bankruptcy
(2011)In this paper we develop statistical models for bankruptcy prediction of Italian firms in the limited liability sector, using annual balance sheet information. Several issues involved in default risk analysis are ... -
Harmful competition in the insurance markets
(2010)There is a general presumption that competition is a good thing. In this paper we show that competition in the insurance markets can be bad and that adverse selection is in general worse under competition than under ... -
On the FDI: attracting property of privatization
(2010)In the present paper we provide an explanation of why privatization may attract foreign investors willing to enter a regional market. Privatization turns the formerly-public rm into a less aggressive competitor since ... -
The effects of fiscal shocks in svar models: a graphical modelling approach
(2010)We apply graphical modelling theory to identify scal policy shocks in SVAR models of the US economy. Unlike other econometric ap- proaches which achieve identi cation by relying on potentially con- tentious a priori ... -
A note on the invertibility of the threshold moving average model
(2010)The Threshold Moving Average model with k regimes of order q is examined. In particular we provide sufficient conditions for its invertibility by generalizing some results reported in the literature. In the first part ... -
A locally adaptive bandwidth selector for kernel based regression
(2009)The selection of the smoothing parameter represents a crucial step in the local polynomial regression, because of the implications on the consistency of the nonparametric regression estimator and because of the difficulties ... -
Parameter estimation in continuous stochastic volatility models
(2009)Continuous-time di usion processes are often used in literature to model dynamics of nancial markets. In such kinds of models a rel- evant role is played by the variance of the process. So assumptions on the functional ... -
Internal and external sources of innovation in the Italian biotech sector
(2009)A common view among many academics and policy makers is that biotech offers enormous opportunities for improving competitiveness and economic growth. For this reason there is a growing need to set up appropriate policy ... -
La ricerca in collaborazione con l'industria dei docenti universitari: aggiornamento sugli esiti di un questionario
(2009)Questo articolo aggiorna i risultati di un questionario che è stato oggetto di trattazione dell’articolo “Ricerca industriale di scienziati accademici: una opportunità o un rischio per la open science? Evidenza ... -
Assessing linearity in structural equation models through graphics
(2008)While Structural Equation Models (SEMs) generally assume linear linkages between variables, it is a well-worn issue that this may not adequately describe the complexity and richness of social phenomena. For this reason, ... -
Un approccio di rete all'analisi delle relazioni amicali dei disoccupati nella città di Napoli
(2008)Several studies highlight that the labour market entry is strongly influenced by informal relational networks (friendship and kinship). Given that informal networks have a relevant role in job position, the present work ... -
Strumenti di analisi per esplorare reti di collaborazione scientifica
(2008)The study of the scientific collaboration networks is one of the traditional areas of interest in Network Analysis framework. The aim of the paper is to explore co-authorship networks, where researchers are connected ... -
Winds of change and policies. The inequality - employment trade-off in the OECD
(2008)Using a data-set of OECD countries from 1980 to 2004, we assess the crosscountry evidence on the trade-off between wage inequality and employment performance by relying on Data Envelopment Analysis, a nonparametric technique ... -
Efficiency gains and mergers
(2008)In the theoretical literature, strong arguments have been provided in support of the e ciency defense in antitrust merger policy. One of the most often cited results is due to Williamson (1968) that shows how relatively ... -
Privatization in oligopoly: the impact of the shadow cost of public funds
(2008)The aim of this paper is to investigate the welfare effect of privatization in oligopoly when the government takes into account the distortionary effect of rising funds by taxation (shadow cost of public funds). We ...