Culture e Studi del Sociale: Recent submissions
Items 81-100 di 152
Emotional Culture as Sociological Concept: On Emotional Turn in Understanding of Modern Society
(2019)The sociology of emotions aspires to give a description of the emotional culture of modern societies (most notably western societies); the peculiarities of the said culture contribute to the surge of interest in emotions ... -
Conflitto e solidarietà sociale. Il ruolo delle emozioni e della morale nell’impianto teorico di Randall Collins
(2019)This work aims to be an analysis of Randall Collins’ theoretical pattern bringing together conflict, social solidarity and the emotional foundation of everyday life. The starting point is his interaction rituals ... -
La sociologia delle emozioni e il legame sociale. Ripensare il rapporto “tra umani” nella società tecnologica
(2019)Emotions are essential elements that create social relationship: emotions are characterized by personal and social identity that come out from the communication with others. The social relationship’s construction is also ... -
"Till Death Do us Part”. Analysis of the Marital Relationships in the 21st Century
(2019)Despite of globalization and individualization processes throughout last decades, everyday individual life has radically changed. Particularly, traditional family system has been affected by these phenomena if we consider ... -
Il dibattito sulla migrazione in campagna elettorale: confronto tra il caso francese e italiano
(2019)Migration has actually gained considerable relevance both in the public and political debate, which in some cases has been associated with a strengthening of nationalist sentiments calling into question the European Union ... -
Verso un’ecologia umana profonda. L’acqua e le connessioni nascoste della vita
(2019)The purpose of this work is to contribute to the thematic, theoretical, conceptual and methodological reconfiguration of contemporary sociology, faced with the challenges of time. The study of the relationship between ... -
Co-costruire il cambiamento dal basso. Una ricerca su spazi e progetti di innovazione diffusa
(2019)The paper focuses on program about micro-innovation processes activated in a range of spaces for youth throughout the Puglia region. Partially funded by regional or national policies, these spaces resulted mainly from ... -
Variabilità culturale nel XXI secolo e intersezione tra “Area studies” e Scienze Sociali per la produzione di nuova conoscenza
(2019)The present article investigates the new developments and challenges of social sciences and humanities in the era of globalization and underlines the importance of social sciences` intersection with interdisciplinary ... -
Il principio di solidarietà alla luce della Riforma del Terzo settore
(2019)The purpose of this research is to provide some insights on the significance of the principle of solidarity, the beating heart of voluntary action. We focus on the recent reform of the third sector in order ... -
L’approccio teorico e operativo dell'Intelligenza Territoriale (IT) come risposta alle sfide della globalizzazione
(2016)The paper deals with the issue of the development of Territorial Intelligence (TI) as influ-enced by the way in which individual and collective agents/actors understand and practice social networking (the ‘culture of ... -
Oltre il Mercato e diversi dallo Stato.Terzo settore e impresa sociale
(2016)The continuous decline of the State as leading center of the political economies, along with thereduction of public resources and the increasing number of nonprofit organizations, they all ... -
Luci e ombre sulla valutazione dell’impatto sociale. La proposta del GECES
(2016)The essay intends to explore some aspects of a methodology that looks at social enterprises’ activities through social impact measurement and assessment, in order to qualify and quan-tify the creating added-value, both in ... -
Disposizioni e proposte nel campo della programmazione e della realizzazione del Sistema Integrato dei Servizi e degli Interventi sociali e socio-sanitari in Campania
(2016)In the Campania Region, in the last five years, it has emerged new guidelines on the subject of Social Programming and new functional tools to the Integrated System Management Services, and social and ... -
Il progetto “Parco InVita” per i giovani
(2016)“Parco Invita” is a social project conceived by Legambiente, an associaciation that fights for environment’s protection; purpose of this project, in particulary, is to empower the green area of ... -
Il ruolo del sapere sociologico e le trasformazioni del welfare
(2016)Sociological knowledge objectified becomes indispensable to read the individual and / or social phenomena, in order to translate the theoretical premises in not only technical actions, but also reflective on the ... -
Molti sistemi di welfare territoriali e poche garanzie per tutti i cittadini
(2016)The essay Many local welfare systems and few guarantees for all citizensfocuses on the current condition of unequal treatment, in terms of guarantee of social rights, through the use of time series on ... -
Sharing economy: la socializzazione fonda lo scambio economico
(2016)The sharing economy expresses a new consumer culture in which the “reuse” and access will replace the purchase and ownership, dispelling the dividing line be-tween public and private. This new model is ... -
Il posto del lavoro nella sicurezza sociale
(2016)The Italian labour market is crossed in various ways by flows of polarization pro-duced by neoliberal policies and the new economy of ICT. Main victims are wom-en, young people, immigrants, especially those labour forces ... -
Progettazione sociale nei contesti di vulnerabilità. La spendibilità euristica del Project Cycle Management
(2016)Social project in contexts of vulnerability. The heuristic applicability of Project Cycle Management. the article deals with the methodology of interventionon social vulnerability through the Project Cycle Management, ...